The YWCA has been the leading provider of affordable housing in the Banff community for over 25 years. We are proud to currently accommodate over 150 residents, while simultaneously delivering programs and services that help make our community a safe and healthy place to live.

Units vary across buildings and layout. We offer women’s only floor accommodation.

The expansion of our affordable rental housing will add 33 units to our inventory, designed for residents who face barriers to finding suitable rental accommodation in Banff. Criteria for potential residents includes (though not exclusively); new and extended families, women and individuals with accessibility needs, with the common thread of being lower income earners.


All units are currently full. We will continue to take applications and keep approved applicants on a waiting list.

Apply online below. If you prefer a written application, please download the PDF version of the application here.


Apply Here

Step 1 of 10

Our belief is that everyone deserves affordable housing.

YWCA Banff aims to provide suitable, affordable and community-based living to the most vulnerable individuals and families in our community.

Please note that completing this application does not guarantee placement on the waitlist. We encourage you to answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. Alternatively, if you would prefer to complete your application with a supportive staff member, please contact

Additionally, to reside in the Town of Banff, you must meet legislated eligibility criteria. For more information, please visit the Parks Canada website HERE. Applicants must also meet specific income thresholds to qualify for the YWCA Banff housing program, which vary by unit and are detailed further in this application. Income thresholds are determined by the Government of Alberta.

If you find you do not qualify for the Housing Program but still need support accessing community resources, please contact to connect with a member of the team.

Eligibility Criteria

The YWCA Banff will initially assess each application using the following basic criteria:  

  • Meets Parks Canada’s ‘Eligible Resident’ requirements
  • Annual household income falls within required range for unit available 
  • Type of unit required can be matched to number of occupants or specific accessibility needs
  • Canadian citizen; permanent resident or temporary foreign worker whose visa is longer than one year 
  • Not owning real estate in Canada 
Our goal is to create a thriving neighborhood by offering suitable, affordable housing and relevant supports that together foster a sense of belonging, security and community pride.

Unit Types & Rental Rates

We believe in making housing accessible and sustainable for everyone. Our rental rates are determined with the guiding principle that no one should spend more than 30% of their income on rent. This ensures that housing remains affordable for all our residents.

Generous support from an Anonymous Donor allows us to provide rent subsidies, further alleviating financial burdens. Our mission-driven work focuses on supporting the most vulnerable in our community, guided by our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive Bow Valley.

View the floor plan.

Shaping a safe and inclusive Bow Valley that empowers women and their community for a better future.

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